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December 2009
Employers Newsletter

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Our Albany office will be closed from Thursday 24th December and re-opens on Tuesday 5th January 2010.

We will have a duty consultant over the Christmas/New Year break so feel free to phone us on 0800 15 8000 about any legal query over that period.

We wish all our clients and friends a very Merry Christmas and thank you for your association during 2009.

This Issue

NZ Public Holiday Dates 2010 & 2011
See the Statutory Public holidays and Provincial holidays for 2010 and 2011…. read more…

Christmas Parties
There are potential dangers and liabilities involved … read more…

Farm Manager Dismissed for Alleged Drug Taking
A farm manager has been awarded $18,989 for unjustified dismissal. … read more…

Breach of Safety Win for Employer
The employee had been dismissed after an incident during which he was seen clearing a machinery blockage by an unsafe means…. read more…

Medical Incapacity
While an employer is not required to hold open the job of a sick or injured employee indefinitely, there are a number of steps to follow… read more

First Aid in the Workplace
Under Health and Safety regulations, Employers are required to take all practicable steps to ensure first aid facilities are provided… read more

First Aid Training Available at EAL
Employers Assistance Ltd runs a series of First Aid Training courses and you are invited to send an employee or two for training. The next course is Tuesday Jan 26, 2010 in Albany. For more information and booking…read more…

Guidelines for Job Descriptions
A job description should always be an integral part of your employment agreement and should be attached as a separate schedule at the end of the agreement…read more…

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