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MYOB, have recently announced that they are discontinuing Pay-Per Call support for their Payroll Software package.

This comes on top of MYOB charging the highest Annual Maintenance fees (and don’t include any support) of all comparable payroll software products in New Zealand.

For the Annual Maintenance you get a product that has seen zero development (only changes for tax legislation) for the last two to three years, and in fact MYOB are now removing functionality.

Their newsletter is reproduced below and when we contacted them to find out what the Support Plan was going to cost the response was:

We acknowledge receipt of your enquiry regarding the continuance of our Support facility once the current Pay Per Call arrangements cease as from 1st July.

We are currently finalising the arrangements surrounding the processes and costs involved with the changes and we will be in touch with more details in the not too distant future.

We are currently working on an article showing just how expensive the MYOB EXO product has become and what their competition is charging….

You have received this email on [email protected] as a valued MYOB client. If you would prefer not to receive promotional emails from MYOB NZ Ltd, please send your details in an email with Unsubscribe in the subject line to [email protected] . Please note that unless further advised, MYOB will still contact you regarding upgrade and compliance issues relating to your software. For the latest version of the MYOB Privacy Policy, please click here

4 Responses to “Pay per Call Support for MYOB EXO customers will discontinue”

  1. paymaster paymaster says:

    Hi Odette,

    Don’t forget to complete our Survey as we will be giving the results to MYOB.

    The Paymaster

  2. Odette Odette says:

    I have spoken to MYOB about the support contract and was just left feeling very frustrated. Over 3 years I have paid an average of $90.00 per year on support. My understanding after my phone call was that there would be no phone support available without the support contract only the online knowledgebase.

    This not acceptable.

  3. Abby Abby says:

    Yikes, 500% increase sounds high, contact me at MYOB & lets see if thats right!

    There are many reasons why the MYOB Enterprise Division has chosen to move off pay per call, but from personal experience in my role at MYOB I have dealt with hundreds clients over the years who would rather pay one fee and be able to call as often as they like – I believe this is a good option for a lot of clients.

    For any of our clients who choose not to purchase a plan, we’re working on a raft of ways to continue to provide support to you – including an online knowledge base, fortnightly e-newsletter containing details of any fixes & commonly asked queries, one on one consulting & more. There are plenty of options if the plan doesnt suit.

  4. Keith Keith says:

    Here is a copy of an email I’ve just sent to MYOB – pretty self explanatory!

    “Our average support costs over the last five years is approximately $150 + GST per annum. And our annual support plan from 1 July will be $920 + GST representing over 500% increase – you’ve got to be bloody joking!

    I have complained over many years about the lack of development of the EXO Payroll product and along with the recent dropping of dot matrix printing, the hiking of the annual maintenance fee by 20% and now this annual support “rip-off” I’m afraid this is the final straw and our company will now be looking for an alternative payroll supplier.”

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