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Recession is when a neighbour loses his job. Depression is when you lose yours.  Ronald Reagan

Recession has forced business to focus on cost and productivity, maybe now is the time to move on the staff that have been less than fully committed to the business?

Maybe they are just a reflection of how the business is being run?

Reducing staff has downsides, loosing skills, damaging staff relationships. This impacts on staff left behind.  Reduced hours is a slightly better option but will that just stretch out the work at the cost of productivity?

The productivity of work is not the responsibility of the worker but of the manager.  Peter Drucker

Most employees will tell you ‘we are working harder and longer than ever’.

How do we get more from less in a recession?  The recession scare is the best opportunity in ages to overcome complacent thinking that can often exist to the core of the business.

Most companies do the basics well, in tough times it’s not enough.  It’s the little things… 80 /20 rule which are the 20% that deliver.  Staff leaving early or long breaks add up. How much over a year?

AMERICAN PAYROLL INSTITUTE has estimated that just automating clocking in will save a company $1000 per employee per year. These savings come from reduction in time theft, data entry mistakes with manual systems and speed of processing when using electronic systems.

If you are putting in a time system make sure it’s not just clocking. Even the good staff will feel they are not trusted by the boss. Make sure the staff get what they need from the system too. Things like leave applications, staff personal rosters, payslips, messaging and picking up extra shift get the buy into the system and then everyone wins.

One Response to “Trim the Fat not the Staff!”

  1. paybug paybug says:

    A client of ours who recently installed TimeTarget saved themselves over $20,000 in their first month, just by correctly recording employee start and stop times.

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