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If so then give MYOB a call and voice your anger.  The person who is trying to sort out a fix (and there are plenty) is Anthony Hamilton at MYOB.  His number is 09 925-3589.

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The minimum wage increases from $12.50 to $12.75 an hour today but unions say it will not make much difference to low-paid workers.

Unite Union spokesman Joe Carolan says much of the increase will be absorbed by an increase in the ACC earner’s levy, which also comes into effect today.

“The ACC levy is going to eat up nine cents of the 25 cents and we’re looking at a GST increase after the budget.”

Mr Carolan says an extra 25 cents an hour will not pay the rent or make a difference to 100,000 workers on the minimum wage.

The union believes a decent living wage is at least $15 an hour.

Source:  http://home.nzcity.co.nz/news/article.aspx?id=112785&fm=psp,nwl


If you are a MYOB EXO Payroll user and unhappy about the changes they have made to their program whereby you cannot now use DOS Speed Printing then all we can suggest you do is contact MYOB and let them know how you feel.

Other payroll software providers have not gone down this path so why has MYOB?  Maybe its now worth considering changing to IMS, PayGlobal or SmoothPay.

You could also voice your opinion on Twitter.

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If you are one of those companies that will never get away from using paper payslips, but don’t enjoy the task of printing and distribution them, then you might be interested to know that MyPayslips is looking at starting a Payslip Distribution Service.

The service will handle the task of printing your payslips and distributing them as required, either individually by post or consolidated to branches etc.

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MYOB has advised that once you upgrade to the latest 2010 version, the option to Speed Print through DOS has been removed.  This is required in order to comply with Windows 7 (don’t we just love Microsoft).

They will have the option to print (using a dot matrix printer) to a new A4 payslips available from MYOB.

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From April 1st, 2010 the ACC Earner Premium will increase from 1.7% to 2% per $100 of earnings.

The Earner Premium is used to cover non-work related accidents by employees.


Everyone knows that clouds bring change and clouds in the world of technology are no different.  But clouds bring many different things in both the virtual world and the real world and come in many different shapes, colours and speeds.  Some clouds rush in and drop everything they have in 5 minutes before clearing off and leaving the sun to shine as though nothing ever happened while others hang around for ages and water the garden so you don’t have to.

Cloud computing has been around for a few years and the most common and well know form is internet based email.  Anyone can use it and you don’t even have to own a computer, just a $2 coin and an internet cafe allow you to connect.  An entire industry was set up around cloud email and the worst coffee you can buy anywhere (even worse than bus stations).

At the other extreme is what is known as hosted solutions with a high number of organisations offering to run your company or personal systems for you.  Not just email but your financials, CRM’s, Payroll and operational systems.  Systems and information that organisations historically held internally and never even allowed external access through closely guarded security systems are now being hosted publicly on the internet.

So what has changed?  We all know that technology advances very quickly.  Estimates of technology doubling in effectiveness and speed every 6-8 months are scary but accurate.  But surely if systems and security is advancing this fast then the bad guys will be keeping up to?  So why trust your systems on a publicly facing system?  It’s Simple.  Not everyone is keeping up.  There are a huge number of targets for the hackers and criminals in the cyber world so why bother to hack hard to find and access systems when they have millions of poorly secured systems to play with.

System administrators are getting smarter too.  Most systems the bad guys can’t even see and neither can you, unless you fulfil all the criteria including passwords, usernames and sometimes even using one specific computer on one specific network.  But what about the exposed systems such as Google, Twitter, Sales Force and Facebook for example?  Well you can’t really hide them can you?  Well yes and no.  Some of the internet hosted solutions do restrict access to their systems from specific users and networks but most don’t and cannot without compromising usability.

These cloud applications suffer from attacks all the time.  The huge players such as Google and Microsoft are being attacked continuously from many different hacking groups around the world.  They solve the problem with money.  Buying better and more hardware than the people trying to damage them.  Other smaller players such as Twitter are not so lucky.  They don’t have an endless supply of money or hardware to stop the cyber-crims from getting to them and have been beaten a number of times on the past few months, shutting their systems down and preventing their users from enjoying their currently free systems.

It is all about risk when you look at cloud solutions.  There are many different kinds of clouds and many different forms to consider.  Consider what is right for you and when you look into what you want and need and what risk you are prepared to take.  The cloud is here to stay and no strong wind is going to blow it away.  Enjoy what it brings!

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The payroll bureau, Ezypay Limited, has just introduced Medical Insurance at Group Rates for all it’s clients.

The scheme will be provided through Unimed with some great benefits for Ezypay clients.  The benefits include:

  • Up to 20% discount on Individual Premium rates
  • Immediate cover (no three month ‘no claim’ period)
  • Immediate cover for qualifying, existing conditions under the General Medical Benefits section of the plan(s), eg, items such as asthma
  • After three years continuous membership, qualifying pre-existing conditions will be covered under all benefit sections of the chosen plan

The best part is that even if only one employee wants to join they get all the Group Scheme advantages.  So if you are looking to outsource your payroll then you might like to consider Ezypay.

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If you are in the market for paper payslips then MyPayslips is the site for you.

They sell three different payslips and the website provides all the information you need such as prices and quantities.

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Minimum Wage Increase

Minimum Wage – From 1st April 2009
There are three groups to calculate minimum wages for. These are the ‘Adult Minimum Wage’, ‘New Entrant’s Minimum Wage’ and ‘Training Minimum Wage’.

Adult Minimum Wage
This applies to all workers who are 16 years old and over who are not new entrants or trainees. The adult minimum wage increases from $12.50 per hour to $12.75 from April 1st 2010.

New Entrant’s Minimum Wage
This applies to employees aged 16 or 17 years who have completed fewer than 200 hours or 3 months of employment, whichever is shorter and who are not supervising or training other workers. An employee will not be a new entrant if they are a trainee who is subject to a training minimum wage. The new entrant’s minimum wage is increasing from $10.00 per hour to $10.20 from April 1st 2010.

Training Minimum Wage
This applies to employees aged 16 or over who are required by their employment agreements to undertake at least 60 credits a year of a recognized industry training programme. The training minimum wage is also increasing from $10.00 per hour to $10.20 effective from April 1st 2010.

Additional Information Regarding Minimum Wage

There is no set rate for employees under 16 years old.
The rates are gross before tax.
Holiday pay must be paid in addition to the minimum wage.

There are serious ramifications for breaches of Minimum Wage requirements (and holiday pay) and Labour Inspectors (Labour Department) have the power to issue demand notices if:

  • An employee complains and the Inspector believes the employee has not received wages or holiday pay;
  • Where the employer has been given a 7 day notice to comment on the complaint and the Inspector is satisfied the employee is entitled to the wages or holiday pay.

Labour Inspectors can enter the employer’s premises under the provisions of the Act, interview people and require copies of wages, time and holiday records.

Employers who fail to comply with any ‘requirements’ of Inspectors face penalties under the Act.

For further information, please refer to www.ers.govt.nz/pay/minimum.html

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